A mobile-friendly website is one that displays correctly on smartphones and other devices with small screens. Mobile devices have become the most common way to browse the internet, and users expect websites to be easy to navigate and view.
A site that’s not mobile-friendly can be frustrating to use and may cause visitors to leave your page. A site that’s mobile-friendly, however, is easy to use and provides a seamless user experience that encourages visitors to engage with your business.
To build a mobile-friendly website, start by optimizing your content and images for mobile. Avoid using excessive amounts of text and large graphics, as these can increase load time and negatively impact mobile user experiences. You should also make sure to use responsive web design, which automatically scales images and content based on device screen size.
You can check the responsiveness of your site by using a free tool like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, which will rate your website’s mobile-friendliness and make suggestions for improvements.
Another way to ensure a mobile-friendly website is to have a clear call to action (CTA) that’s visible for all visitors. Ideally, people should be able to spot a CTA on a mobile device in less than two seconds. This way, visitors can take action on your site and be guided towards becoming a customer or client.
Other best practices for a mobile-friendly website include enlarging buttons and navigation links. Since most mobile devices are used with thumbs, it’s important that buttons and other clickable elements on your site are big enough to be easily clicked by the average person’s thumb. This can be accomplished by adding white space or negative space between elements and ensuring that the button’s color contrasts well with its surrounding design.
In addition, you should ensure that your mobile-friendly website has clear links and descriptions. This helps visitors understand the purpose of each link and improves accessibility for users who rely on keyboard navigation or assistive technology.
Finally, you should avoid the use of pop-ups, which are often difficult to close on mobile devices and can frustrate users.
Once you have a mobile-friendly website, you’ll want to test it regularly. Set a reminder in your calendar or phone to test your site once a month, and you’ll have a better idea of how your site is performing and how you can continue to improve it.
A mobile-friendly website is crucial to the success of your business. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your visitors are having a good experience on your site and are more likely to interact with your business.
So don’t wait any longer: get started today by analyzing your site’s mobile-friendliness with Google’s Mobile- Friendly Test, and then optimizing your website content and images for mobile use.
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Seth Johnson is an online marketing coach and software expert. He has been building successful digital businesses since 2007.
After figuring out early on through trial and error, Seth began to show other aspiring online entrepreneurs what works and what doesn't in a simple yet highly effective approach. He has currently helped 1,000's start, build and scale their very own online business.
Seth Johnson
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